Friday, October 12, 2007


You read right, it says Yellowstone, and yes we are crazy, and yes it was freezing, and yes it was a blast! I would do it again in a second! We spent conference weekend up in West Yellowstone, leaving here Friday morning, and staying there until Sunday morning. So much fun! Buffalo were everywhere, and we rolled Brendyn's window down in the midst of them. One was so close he could have reached out and touched it if he was brave enough, but he knew I would kill him if he did. The fear of mom, not the fear of buffalo held him back. Ammon was bouncing up and down in his carseat with excitement. Ha, ha! It was so fun to watch those two! There was snow on the ground, and seriously the minute we arrived Brendyn was throwing snowballs at me. Don't worry, I got him back. Unfortunately he taught Ammon, and the two ganged up on me. Too bad for them I'm super-mom, there is just no match for me!


Court and Jill said...

I'm seriously glad to see that your boys have inherited your prankster trait! I love that they threw snowballs at you...and I love it even more that you threw some back. You're the best mommy.

Ju Ju said...

Hey, why didn't you take me to Yellowstone! When do I get to be one of your kids? Waaahhh!